주말 오후, 전날 마신 술 몇잔의 숙취 탓인지
피로가 안풀려서 잠깐 낮잠을 잤다.
문자 오는 소리가 나길래 잠결에 슬쩍 휴대폰을 보다가
눈이 번쩍 뜨였다.
대표님. *월 *일에 결혼합니다. 사례비를 보내겠습니다.
사례비를 준다고 하니 반가운데,
발신인을 보니 더욱 반가운 사람이었다.
83년생, 우리 나이로 서른 여섯의 그녀를
처음 만난 건 3년 전이었다.
그녀는 인상도 매력적이고, 건강관리도 잘해서 활기찬 분위기였고,
수익이 많은 일을 하고 있는 멋진 여성이었다.
결혼을 해도 10번은 하고도 남은 사람인데,
30대 중반까지 결혼을 안했다는 게 믿기지 않을 정도였다.
1년 동안 몇 번이 만남이 있었는데,
좋은 인연은 아슬아슬 그녀를 비껴갔다.
1년 회원 기간이 지났는데도
별다른 결과를 얻지 못했다.
어머니가 만남을 청했다.
우리 애 결혼만 시켜주시면 성의껏 사례를 하겠습니다.
부족할 거 없는 딸이 결혼이 늦어져서
참 애가 타고, 마음이 급할텐데
어머니는 나를 재촉하지 않았다.
점잖은 분이었다.
어머님. 따님분 결혼이 안될 이유가 없습니다.
저를 믿고 좀 더 기다려주세요.
그 사이에도 만남은 될 듯 하다가 안되고,
어느 한쪽이 싫어하기도 하고,
여러 가지 이유로 결과가 안좋았다.
내가 오히려 속이 탔다.
3년째 접어들어서
그 얼마 전에 가입한 3살 터울의 남성을 소개했다.
결혼상대로 손색 없는 남성이지만,
그동안의 사연이 있었기에 참 조심스러웠다.
잘 만나고 있다는 소식을 들으면서도
서로 간에 생각하는 데 많다 보면
고민하다가 흐지부지되기도 하고,
또 어떤 일이 생길지 모르기 때문에
매니저에게 “절대 푸쉬하지 말고, 중간 중간 격려만 해주라.”고 했다.
그렇게 6개월이 흘렀고,
엊그제 그 메일을 받은 것이다.
첫째, 당사자도 그렇지만, 어머니가 우리를 믿고 기다렸다.
3년이나 걸렸지만, 결국 결혼했다.
처음에는 안되더라도 기다리면 맞는 사람을 만난다.
둘째, 내부적으로도 그 여성에 대한 호감도를 계속 유지했다.
잘 될 것이라는 확신을 갖고.
만남 패턴을 분석하고, 상대이성의 평가, 당사자의 느낌 등을 반영하면서
계속 이성의 분포를 체크했다.
셋째, 여성 스스로도 자기관리를 꾸준히 했다.
이 여성이 되는 방식으로 만나면 대한민국 모든 남녀가 결혼할 수 있을 것이다.
약속대로 사례비도 많이 받았다.
뒷모습이 좋은 걸 보면 앞으로도 잘 살 것 같다.
I was taking a nap on a weekend afternoon due to a terrible hangover after boozing the day before. I was awakened by the phone ringing, and was surprised.
“Hi, Mr Lee. I think I will marry soon. I will send you the remuneration.”
I was happy to know that I would get the commission. I was happier when I got to know the caller’s name. She was a female member of Sunoo Inc. who had waited for long time and had strived to marry. I met her three years ago, and she is now 36 years old born in 1983.
She was a real beauty, and very active in exercises for her health. Besides, she was kind of a career woman who makes lots of income. She was more qualified than marrying several times. I could not understand why she was not married until her mid-thirties.
In the first year, she had several meeting with men, but she did it in vain. I mean she could not have a successful marriage in the first year. Her mother called me, and said,
“Mr Lee, Please find my daughter’s bridegroom. I will compensate as much.”
Her mother did not hurry me even though she was anxious to marry her old daughter anyways.
“Ma’am, There is no reason why your daughter would not find her bridegroom soon. Please wait a little bit more.”
A year passed after this talk.
There were several attempts for meeting but every meeting was elusive. Sometimes one side did not like, and other times had other reason for the failure. I also got exhausted, and longed for her marriage more than anybody else.
In the third year, I introduced a man older than her by three years to her. The man was not in short of anything for marriage. I was, however, much cautious about the introduction.
I heard that she was dating smoothly but worried somehow. Nobody knows what will happen next in the course of dating. Hence, I told the couple manager that she would never push, and she only need give the couple the encouragement once in a while.
When I look back the past three years, she had the reason to have a successful marriage.
First, she was ready enough to wait, but her mother was more than that. It took three years to get married. Even though the marriage is not foreseeable in the beginning, waiting will solve it in the end.
Second, we also maintained the good will continuously. We believed that we will bring the good result soon. We analyzed the dating pattern, the evaluation of the partners, and the feeling of her, etc.
Third, she maintained her self-control throughout the years. I think that every Korean youngster will be successful in marriage if he/she maintains their mind like this woman.
I received a large remuneration. I think this couple will have a happy married life ever after.