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O비자 소지자 / I-485 계류중 국외여행 최종 확인 문의
영주권EB-1B | 조회 3,041 | 06.16.2017
스티븐 변호사님,
제 질문에 대한 진심어린 답변에 다시 한번 감사 드립니다.
제가 꼭 한국에 나가봐야하는데, 로컬오피스에 긴급 여행허가서를 시도해보다가 혹시라도 안될 경우, 출입국에 대한 선택을 해야하는데 판단이 서지 않습니다. (기본적으로 변호사님께서 말씀하신 저희쪽 법률사무소의 조언을 따르라는 것은 충분히 이해하였고, 변호사님의 개인적인 법적인 소견만을 양해드립니다)

저는 O-1A비자(O비자 I-797B approval notice에는 petitioner가 현재의 회사로 되어 있습니다.)를 현재 근무중인 회사에서 스폰을 받았고, 현재 같은 비자로 일하고 있는 중 입니다. 현재 EB-1B커테고리로, I-140 프리미엄 승인 후, 추 후 I-485를 계류중이며, I-131과 관련(회사에서는 스폰안해줘서 개인적으로 파일링 함)하여 저희쪽 회사에서 파트너쉽을 맺은 법률사무소의 파라리갈과 변호사는 하기와 같은 커멘트로 답변은 주었습니다.

Travel without advance parole leads to the determination that the AOS application is abandoned for most visa statuses, including O-1s.  While an exception exists for L and H visa holders, this would not apply to your O-1 status.  As you likely know, USCIS typically issues advance parole within about 3 months of the application’s submission.  Please let me know if you have any further questions.
8 C.F.R. §  Sec. 245.2(a)(4)(ii)
(i) General . The effect of a departure from the United States is dependent upon the law under which the applicant is applying for adjustment.

(ii) Under section 245 of the Act . (A) The departure from the United States of an applicant who is under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings shall be deemed an abandonment of the application constituting grounds for termination of the proceeding by reason of the departure. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(ii)(B) and (C) of this section, the departure of an applicant who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings shall be deemed an abandonment of the application constituting grounds for termination of any pending application for adjustment of status, unless the applicant was previously granted advance parole by the Service for such absences, and was inspected upon returning to the United States. If the adjustment application of an individual granted advance parole is subsequently denied the individual will be treated as an applicant for admission, and subject to the provisions of section 212 and 235 of the Act. (Paragraph (a)(4)(ii) revised effective 7/1/99; 64 FR 29208 )

(B) The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if he or she was previously granted advance parole by the Service for such absences, and was inspected and paroled upon returning to the United States. If the adjustment of status application of such individual is subsequently denied, he or she will be treated as an applicant for admission, and subject to the provisio ns of section 212 and 235 of the Act.

(C) The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceeding and who is in lawful H-1 or L-1 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if, upon returning to this country, the alien remains eligible for H or L status, is coming to resume employment with the same employer for whom he or she had previously been authorized to work as an H-1 or L-1 nonimmigrant, and, is in possession of a valid H or L visa ( if required). The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceeding and who is in lawful H-4 or L-2 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if the spouse or parent of such alien through whom the H-4 or L-2 status was obtained is maintaining H-1 or L-1 status and the alien remains otherwise eligible for H-4 or L-2 status, and, the alien is in possession of a valid H-4 or L-2 visa (if required). The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status, who is not under exclusion, deportation, or removal proceeding and who is in lawful K-3 or K-4 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if, upon returning to this country, the alien is in possession of a valid K-3 or K-4 visa and remains eligible for K-3 or K-4 status. (Revised 11/1/07; 72 FR 61791 )


변호사님께서는 어떠한 법 해석(하기 예, 8 C.F.R. §  Sec. 245.2(a)(4)(ii) 외에) 을 기반으로 "O 비자로 입국 하시는데 대신 혹시 모르므로 O 비자 신분에 맞는 일을 하고 있다는 증거를 지참"할 경우 출입국이 가능하시다고 판단하시는지요?

추가적으로 회사 내에 근무하는 paralegal 분의 경우는 Valid O-1 visa와 함께 travel이 가능하다는 답을 주었습니다.

소중한 정보다 다시한번 깊은 감사 말씀 드립니다.
DISCLAIMERS: 이 글은 개인회원과 해당 전문가가 직접 작성, 답변 한 글로 내용에 대한 모든 책임은 작성자에게 있으며, 이 내용을 본 후 결정한 판단에 대한 책임은 게시물을 본 이용자 본인에게 있습니다. 라디오코리아는 이 글에 대한 내용을 보증하지 않으며, 이 정보를 사용하여 발생하는 결과에 대하여 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 라디오코리아의 모든 게시물에 대해 게시자 동의없이 게시물의 전부 또는 일부를 수정 · 복제 · 배포 · 전송 등의 행위는 게시자의 권리를 침해하는 것으로 원칙적으로 금합니다. 이를 무시하고 무단으로 수정 · 복제 · 배포 · 전송하는 경우 저작재산권 침해의 이유로 법적조치를 통해 민, 형사상의 책임을 물을 수 있습니다. The answers / comments presented here are based on the actual law enforcement, legal knowledge, and interpretation of the lawyers and experts given as precisely as possible, however, one should not take assurance of it fully. No responsibility is assumed for Radio Korea in the result of using the information. Each questioner should seek and collect different opinions as many as possible and make his or her final judgment. In principle, all posts in Radio Korea are prohibited from modifying, copying, distributing, and transmitting all or part of the posts without the consent of the publisher. Any modification, duplication, distribution, or transmission without prior permission can subject you to civil and criminal liability.

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이처럼 중대한 일이라서 이 문제는 이곳에서 해결 될수 없고 변호사를 만나 충분한 상담을 받은 후 결정 하시길 권합니다.
법적책임 문제가 발생할수 있어 제가 답글 올리는것은 적절하지 않다고 봅니다.
스티븐조 변호사|06/18/2017 10:34 am
처음  이전  241 |  242 |  243 |  244 |  245 |  246 |  247 |  248 |  249 |  250  다음  맨끝