라디오코리아 US Life

Sunny1993 | 조회 1,883 | 12.18.2023
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Monday, December 18, 2023

Emailed to rmsud77@naver.com

Dear Misun Lee:

On 08/17/2023, you or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:

Caller indicated they are:
-- Applicant or Petitioner

Attorney Name:
-- Information not available

Case type:
-- I539

Filing date:
-- 04/26/2023

Receipt #:
-- MCT-23-211-62342

Referral ID:
Beneficiary (if you filed for someone else):
-- Information not available

Your USCIS Account Number (A-number):
-- Information not available

Type of service requested:
-- Fingerprints/Biometrics

The status of this service request is:

You or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your case to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

We sent you an appointment notice to provide biometrics (photographs and fingerprints) at your local Application Support Center. The notice was sent to the most recent mailing address we have on record for you. We have no record that you appeared at the ASC as scheduled or that you rescheduled your appointment. Therefore, we deemed your case as abandoned and denied your case accordingly. We mailed the original Denial Notice to you at your most recent address within 30 days of the denial date.

What You Can Do
You may not appeal a denial due to abandonment; however, you may re-file your petition or application at your earliest convenience. Please refer to the Denial Notice for any information about your available rights or motions.

We hope this information is helpful and appreciate your continued patience.
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지문을 찍으라는 편지를 이민국에서 보냈는데 찍지 않아서 접수하신 I-539 신분변경 신청이 거절이 되었다는 내용입니다.

내용은 변호사 - 고객 간 상담이 아니며 법적 책임이 없음을 알려드립니다.

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