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[Marriage for Korean Singles] A divorce of the prefect couple
sunwoo | 조회 328 | 03.05.2025

When you run a marriage consulting business, you meet many people and hear many stories.
Today's story is about the divorce of a couple who were so called perfect. 

A popular writer divorced her husband (who was a doctor) when she was 34 years old. 
When they were dating, they were the perfect couple. However, she started to discover things that she doesn’t like about herself in her husband such as being too self-conscious and stubborn. At first, they were attracted to each other because they had many similarities, but they got tired of each other for the same reason.  

She says she learned two important things from her divorce. First, conflicts often arise when people with strong self-consciousness meet each other. It may seem that this pair will be more understanding of each other since they are alike, but actually, they often don’t want to give in and being so competitive. 
Another thing she learned is that the divorce rate among professionals is relatively higher compared to other occupational groups. There may be many reasons, but in her case, since she was financially independent, she didn’t want to bear the difficulties of her marriage.

Additionally, knowing that you can always find another person since you have a good job and are financially stable, which makes you feel confident. So, for the same reason, you don’t need to cling on to your unhappy marriage or ask impossibles. 
Therefore, when they end their relationship, it is direct and clear and less likely to have aftereffects from their divorce. 

When dating, it's natural to learn a lot about each other. Especially if both parties have strong egos or have socially recognized occupations, it’s recommended to have enough discussions about their marriage life prior to getting married.

The relationship of a married couple is not very different from other relationships. There can’t be only one person more understanding or sacrificing. If you give in some, then you would expect to receive some. One side giving only works during the honeymoon period. 

It is poisonous for marriage if one person is too arrogant and thinks he or she is always right. Even if you are socially successful, have achieved academic achievements, or have achieved great things, that shouldn’t give you a right to act arrogant in marital relationships. 

Marriage is a union of two people who must each be respected.

Couple.net CEO | WoongJin Lee 

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